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Is SEO DEAD? This is all you need to Know!

Hello every one! I want to answer a very discussed and important topic" Is SEO Dead ? Checkout this video first: Video Source:designoneweb on Youtube|| Website: Not really! and I think it will never be as long search engine exists! Search engines always rely about links and the whole website is built upon this. Imagine this you are searching for your favorite movie release date and you just come to a article where it only states about the movie name. Isn't is frustrating? Yes it is! SEO is all bout this. Now those who think SEO is all about those old day Spammy link building,link exchanges from crappy meaningless sites from bulk or paying someone to write some creepy content for you and placing a link to your site. Now this approach is dead and certainly not work at all! Rather than it will hurt you big and may end up penalizing your website and nothing else. So what else remains? It is the most important part. Now SEO b

Introduction Post:Starting Of The SEO Journey

Hello All! I am Soumik Ghosh and is a SEO professional now for more than 5 years of experience! This is just a new initiative from my end to tell you my experince about the job,its challenges,benefits and more! I will also give you some timely news about SEO and other digital marketing trends and news from the industry. So keep reading and share it with your friends if you like this blog! I will try to keep things simple so it is easier for you to understand the basics quick. Thanks